Mysteries for FF3

By RabiteMan

This section contains secrets which may or may not be true, and may never be proven either way. Once they are proven or disproven, they go to the appropriate section.

  1. Is Gogo Daryl? Gogo's past is unknown, but what makes this more likely is the fact that Daryl's Falcon crashed into Triangle Island. Maybe she was swallowed by the Zone Eater? I have also heard of a cut scene when you have Gogo and Setzer in the same party. What happens to Gogo after he/she mimics Celes in the ending sequence? It looks like he/she falls into a pit...

  2. Are there more items in the game than people know about? There are 252 different types of items, leaving three blank spaces in the inventory. What could they be? Could there be anything, or were they just items left out of the American version of the game?

  3. All of Shadow's dreams take place in an area that you can go in the game. Maybe there are secrets in these areas? What about the million gold pieces Clyde and Baram stole from the train?

  4. The hill where Celes tries to commit suicide (if you fail to bring Cid back to health) is the same hill where Setzer waited for Daryl. Any connection?

  5. Hero Ring or Paladin Ring? Which do you get when you uncurse the Cursed Shield? I have heard from people who have gotten both! Does it depend on how you play the game?

  6. Can't find any Economizers? Sometimes when you go through the game, it won't let you get any Economizers from Brachosaurs or anywhere else in the game. Why?

  7. What happened to the Moogles after the End of the World? They are all gone when you go to meet Mog in the World of Ruin.

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